
Someone pointed out that there was a line in the code referencing Hendrix. Despite editing plugins in the past and making scripts in Second Life, this was my first published plugin. Admittedly, after encountering so many issues involving the shadow laying over walls and looking awkward and having an opacity editor in the plugin parameters, I used a program to try to fix these errors and ended up commissioning someone to fix these errors for me. Though I don't have MZ I went over both to compare the two. After going over both, there are no identical lines between the plugins. 

1. The most similar parts are in the basic parameter definitions:       var defaultAngle = Number(parameters['defaultAngle'] || 45);   

   Though not totally identical, is line is very similar in both, which makes sense as it's retrieving the same parameter. The notetag checking line is similar but not identical:   

- Hendrix: Event shadows are determined through complex conditions with multiple notetags   

- SETTE: Simple check with this.event().note.includes('<shadow>') 

Basic shadow properties are similar but with different values:    

- Both set the shadow anchor to (0.5, 1)    

- Both use blend modes, but with different numeric values    

- Both set blend color to black, but with slightly different syntax 

There are some conceptual similarities in update methods:    

- Both have methods to check if a character should have a shadow in the notetags    

- Both update shadow positions based on character position and facing, but only Hendrix updates in real time on directional lighting 

Despite these conceptual similarities, the actual implementation details differ significantly. The Hendrix plugin has much more complex logic for shadow behavior, with many features not present in my implementation. I didn't find any substantial blocks of code that appear to be directly copied. Most similarities are limited to individual lines that represent fundamental techniques for implementing shadows, which would likely be similar regardless of who wrote the code.

Regardless of all of this, the fault lies in my hands for seeking outside counsel and using them as a shortcut. Though I couldn't find any identical or copied components in the plugin, I don't know what was stolen from the Hendrix plugin, and whether it was via the program or the commissioned party. 

The Hendrix plugin appears to have been consulted as a reference to understand shadow implementation techniques, which helped address specific configuration issues I was experiencing. Rather than being copied, it seems to have served as a technical resource that informed the development of a much simpler, independently structured solution tailored to my specific needs. Why the code contained the line "var parameters = PluginManager.parameters('Hendrix_Directional_Shadow');", I honestly don't know. Especially since at the time of publishing the codes were so difference and divorced from each other.
Upon learning about this line I immediately delisted it until I could troubleshoot upon coming home from my trip. Moving forward, the plugin will remain free due to this oversight as well as lacking functionalities present in free variants with more competent coding and features.

While I am still very new at creating plugins for RPG Maker MV and my previous experience is only with Second Life, none of my other plugins were made with the assistance of anyone else, and I apologize for this oversight and I will not be commissioning for modifications moving forward.

Get Simple Directional Shadow for RPG Maker MV


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Does this have something to do with why the plugin is quarantined?

It should be available now. I made it unavailable for a couple of days until I could come home and go over it. I had to leave the morning the redditor brought it to my attention so I delisted it until last night. 

It's not that it's unavailable. I can technically download it, but Itch seems to think it's suspicious. The full warning when trying to download it is;

WARNING: This Page Has Been Quarantined

Our system has flagged this page for additional review due to potential suspicious behavior from the page owner.

If someone has asked you to download from this page and you don't fully trust them, or their behavior isn't what you recognize, then we don't recommend downloading this file until our team has reviewed the page.

Password-protecting files or pages is a technique often used by scammers in an attempt to block virus and other security scans from detecting malware. Do not trust password-protected files unless you fully trust the uploader.

That's really strange. It must have been reported to someone on reddit. 

I hope itch can resolve it because I looked at both last night and they truly are two almost entirely separate codes.